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Data Security Solutions for Healthcare

Healthcare institutions are increasingly vulnerable to ransomware attacks and data leaks. So much so that the Federal Bureau of Investigation in partnership with several other federal agencies recently issued an official alert about ongoing and imminent attacks on the healthcare sector.

Cybercriminals have become increasingly sophisticated. Organizations that regularly backup their data to protect against a crippling attack now find that even these backup systems can become encrypted because they are connected to the network being targeted.

An offline backup storage plan is vital to ensuring that you are able to recover quickly from ransomware attacks and maintain the continuity of care for your patients. Cloud storage is a convenient way to store files but is not necessarily the best way to maintain backups; especially when it comes to ransomware. Many cloud storage solutions synchronize local files with files stored in the cloud. Thus a cloud backup can also be easily infected.
Besides an offline backup, SecuDrive’s devices can help keep data secure when the data is being used by a remote workforce or when the data at rest – is being transported. Lost and stolen devices cost healthcare organizations millions of dollars in fines and legal costs every year.


General hospital/administrative data protection
Encrypted record storage for local/remote workers
Secure updating of non-PC equipment like MRI machines
EMR backup and storage


Protect data anywhere, anytime.

SecuDrive simplifies encryption, making it easy for local or remote users to protect, monitor, and secure financial data.

Secures data all the way to the edge.

SecuDrive solutions protect external devices using military-grade encryption and securing your organization against USB threats.

Gives admins control over all data.

Control external devices remotely. Manage permissions, track, lock down, and remove access to financial data all with a keystroke.

Compliant with strict industry regulations.

Meet strict governmental regulations such as HIPAA, SOX, DHS Initiatives, NRC, GLB, and more.